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19 September 2015

I decided last night I was going to run in the morning before work. So I set my alarm and ended up waking at 4:00. Since I was up and knew I had a long run I decided to head out early.

I got my 2 hour run in. I ran 9.4 miles in the 2 hours. I ended up running the entire time without refueling or water for that matter. I was doing fairly well at a 12:00 to 12:30 pace until 90 minutes went by. At that point my legs felt like lead and it was quite a mental struggle to keep moving them. My pace for the last two miles was really slow. Overall my whole body felt lethargic and all I can say is I did not feel well. It was one of the worst experiences in my life. I ate an energy gel immediately after the run and re-hydrated with some electrolytes followed by plain water. I now feel better after having breakfast and extra fruit.

Tomorrow is a rest day. I need to mow so that will be my exercise. Off to run some errands today.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

18 September 2015

I went to bed hungry last night. I was trying to stay under my calorie limit so I went to bed early. When I woke up this morning I was still hungry. I don't eat before my early morning workouts so I just stuck through it until I got home. I've been hungry most of the day though. Eating lots of vegetables to try to fill me up but it doesn't appear to be working. It is getting better the more I eat but it's a little annoying. I think my body is getting ready to drop some weight and fighting back in the process.

This morning I woke up to one of the darlings sharpening their claws on the side of the bed. It was 4:00 and I was wide awake at that point so I decided to get up and get ready for the gym. I had a good leg workout this morning. I'm still adding weight but not on all of my exercises. I did add weight on my 3 main exercises, leg press machine, squat machine and deadlift. I was really warmed up after I get through with those.

Tomorrow is my really long run. Since it will probably happen later in the morning I will be eating before the workout. I'll get to see if I can make 2 hours on what I'm currently eating. I'll only be taking in water with electrolytes during the run. Should be a pleasant day.

I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend!

17 September 2015

First day without night time meds. My sleep was a little off and I was sleeping fairly light. I kept getting woken up by the little four footed darlings. I guess I've been sleeping in a coma in the past and never realized how active they are at night. Needless to say I woke up to the alarm clock.

It was a nice cool morning again. Fall is definitely on the way. I got my intervals in, I did 10 intervals for a total of 5 miles. My pace was good, including my walking warm-up and cool-down I was just over an 11:00/mile pace. It felt like an easy run after I beat back the thoughts of it would be easier to stay in bed and get more sleep. Or the thoughts of it would be easier to skip the entire workout. It might be easier but that's not how to get results. This journey may be hard but it is worth it.

Tomorrow is leg day. Going heavy again and see if I can up the weights any more. Hopefully I'll be able to walk afterwards. Saturday morning I have to work for a while and then going for a long run. I'm going to shoot for running for 2 hours without any refueling. I'm not sure how it will go.

I have set my goals for the race coming up. I want to beat my last race time. Hopefully I won't try to run the hills too fast and tire myself out.

As far as my diet goes, I'm going to use my vacation as a time to eat at maintenance, or close to it. I know I'll probably overeat but this will put some limits on it. I won't be able to weigh myself until I get home. So that's my plan at the moment.

I hope everybody has a glorious Thursday!

16 September 2015

I woke up to the alarm clock this morning. I was kind of tired when I got up. I knew I had to rush a little bit since I wanted to hit the gym before my Dr. appointment. That meant I needed to get my butt to the gym early so I could get me workout in and then come home and get ready for the office visit.

I did make it to the gym. It was my usual core routine. I skipped the 5 min warm-up on the stairmaster. I did my declined crunches using a 10 lb medicine ball. That went well but I was lethargic this morning. I had to drop the weight on the crunch machine for some reason. My entire workout felt like I was out of gas. Not sure why,I guess it was one of those days. It was a rough workout but I made it through.

Tomorrow is a run day. I'm planning on tempo intervals again. I'll see if I can do a 1:1. Speaking of running, I signed up for another 10K race on Sept. 26. This one is supposed to have 2 notable hills on the course. It's also on top of a mountain so the views should be great. That is if I notice them as I'm trying to suck in oxygen :)

I've laid out my diet for when I come back from vacation. It's going to be a low carb diet setup as roughly 10:20:70 C:P:F. I'm not sure if that will be enough to get me into ketosis but I should be close. I'll check my blood ketone levels after a week and see where they are at. I'm planning to be on that diet for approximately 6 weeks. I'm not planning on changing up my exercise during that time so we'll see how I adjust. My calories will be the same as they currently are. Hopefully it will shake my system to lose some more fat.

I hope everyone is having a pleasant day!

15 September 2015

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