ChelliBelli's Journal

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18 September 2007

Phase One Day FOURTEEN 9/17/07

7am- LLC

9:30am- Hot Lemon Water

10am- 2 eggs with mushrooms and red peppers

12pm- Dried Mango ( I know, I know...BIG no-no!)

2pm- One Carrot, can of green beans, and some turkey

7pm- HUGE Salad with mustard, collard, and turnip greens with green lettuce leaves, mushrooms, tomatoes, broccoli, and one can of tuna mixed up with flaxseed oil and apple cidar vinegar.

9pm- LLC

Exercise- WALK 3 miles (preggo sister w/ me... why can't that baby just come out already!) and one Pilates DVD

~Okay, I KNOW today is supposed to be weigh-in day...but I'm just not ready to. I know, I'm weird, but I'm pushing it back to friday. That way I'll stay really motivated all week. I PROMISE to weigh myself friday morning!

Yesterday I cheated with more dried mango...It was really really good though! Luckily there's no more so the temptation is gone. Hey, with all the icecream and cookies and snack foods we have in our house right now, at least when I "cheated" it was with fruit, right?

This morning I took two bites of my 3 year old's cereal. He was DONE eating, and left a bunch of mushy cereal in his bowl (trader joe's multi-grain squares with soy milk) and when I went to throw it away I took two big bites first, then felt really guilty about it. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now...I'll just do better the rest of the day.

I'm going to stay on phase one for at least one more week, and then see if I want to continue it on for one last week after that. We'll see!


17 September 2007

Phase One Day Thirteen 9/16/07

~It wasn't a very "fat-flushy" kind of day. I didn't really stick with the plan, and I didn't keep track or write anything down. In the morning my hubby confronted me about "obsessing" over this, so I just decided I was going to go about my day, stick to the "guidelines" but focus on other stuff.

Sundays are crazy clean/laundry/shop-for the week to start days. I started the day with my three mile jog, and then spent the rest of it running all over the place doing errands. I had an orange smoothie for breakfast. At Trader Joe's my daughter was begging for a bag of dried mango (unsweetened) and then we opened it in the car and snacked on it while doing more errands. For dinner I had some turkey and veggies, and then while we were watching a movie hubby made some sourdough toast and brought one for me...I figured if I told him I couldn't eat it he might divorce me (just kidding!) so I ate about 1/2 a piece of sourdough bread WITH margarine on it. Then before bed I had my LLC.

I'm ready to get back on track today... I'm supposed to weigh myself tomorrow morning. I don't own a scale, so I'm going to borrow my sister's.

My goal is to stick to the plan today, but do it for the "right" reasons (being healthy and fit...not vain and shallow and wanting to look like a super model.)


16 September 2007

Phase One Day Twelve 9/15/07

7am- LLC

7:30am- Hot Lemon Water

930am- Orange/Whey/Flax Smoothie

1:30pm- Turkey Burger with 1 can green beans

7pm- Plain Chicken Breast with lettuce, tomato and a "side salad" with lemon and flaxseed oil

9am- CHEATED LIKE A BIG LOSER and had a Frozen Yogurt, AND a chocolate chip cookie!!! :(

10pm- LLC

Exercise- Run 3 miles

~So this morning I woke up feeling like I'd committed some horrible sin. I CHEATED last night and I feel so guilty. I had done great, but didn't eat my eggs yesterday OR fill up on enough greens and veggies, plus one of my fruits...then I went out to dinner with my mom, sisters, and some friends. I did fine at dinner, then we all went to my very favorite frozen-yogurt place, Golden Spoon. Back when I was super skinny I basically LIVED off the stuff. Have not been there in forever. I was going to be good, and then while sitting there with everyone eating I caved and ordered a small. I have to admit, it was SOOOO good. BUT, it was dairy AND sugar (although not much) and it was a big cheat. The worst part was that it made me CRAVE more sugar. When I got home, there were chocolate chip cookies that I'd made with the kids earlier, and I had that "Well, I already cheated today so why not" mentality going and I ate a big chocolate chip cookie. I felt SO bad afterwards.

Well, today is a new day...


15 September 2007

Phase One- Day Eleven 9/14/07

8am- LLC

9:30am- Hot Lemon Water

10am- Vanilla Whey Smoothie with 1 orange blended, and flaxseed oil (It was so yummy! Tasted like an "Orange Julius.")

2pm- HUGE Salad with tons of different greens, spinach, plus mushrooms and fresh broccoli with Flaxseed Oil and lemon with two chopped hard boiled eggs.

5pm- apple

8pm- Two spicey tuna handrolls with NO rice/soy sauce. (Yummy!)

-No LLC :( We got home after midnight and I forgot!

~Exercise- Cleaning the house (sweeping/mopping the downstairs takes an hour moving fast, and believe me, it's a work out!) and RUNNING 3 miles (this time, no pregnant sister! lol... I know we're supposed to take it easy on the exercise, but it had been a REALLY long day with my little ones and the OPCs and the minute they got picked up and hubby walked through the door, I ran out! This is the first time I've RUN the entire 3 miles (including a brutal uphill part) without stopping to walk a little in between. It was SO refreshing! Made me want to train for a marathon or something!)

~Well, Date night was so nice! Babysitter was running late so we just called in our sushi order to go and picked it up on the way so we'd make it on time to the movie. We both just got two handrolls. When I asked Matt (hubby) to order mine with no rice, he acted like I was crazy. Now he's going to do that from now on, too...they pack so much more fish in there when there's no rice as a filler! I was starving and that really hit the spot. It's AMAZING how much better food tastes when you're actually HUNGRY! (Not like before when I snacked on junk all day long and NEVER actually felt hungry.) I know it wasn't perfectly on plan, but I didn't feel too guilty. I've been doing pretty good, and plan to continue Phase One for two more weeks, so I'm sure I'll be okay!

I have to say, I'm SO nervous to get on the scale tuesday. Part of me is tempted to wait two more weeks because I'm afraid I'll be dissapointed... But, last night was the first time I've actually put on "real" clothes since starting (just been wearing work-out shorts and tank tops... the people I spend my days with are all under 3 feet tall and really don't care how I look, and I don't really want baby puke on anything I like) and last night there was a noticeable difference in the clothes I was trying on to go out in. I wish I'd done my measurements before I started. I really was planning on it, just never did... I did do them a couple months ago and I think I have them logged on or something so I'll look for them. (I was going to do their "Challenge" but didn't.)

Gosh, I'm writing a lot. The kids all went to bed who-knows-when last night, and ALL FOUR are still asleep. My internal alarm clock doesn't let me sleep in past 6:30...I had my LLC, and I'm sitting here sipping my hot lemon water. It's actually quiet in my house! (Very Weird) I think I'm going to do my pilates dvd, and then have another orange smoothie for breakfast. We'll probably spend the day in the pool with the kids and I want to get my run in at some point. Tonight my sisters and mom and I are going out to dinner before my little sister "pops." This is her 3rd baby (we're all way too fertile for our own good and have 'em young... my poor parents are 53 and are about to have their ELEVENTH grandchild in 10 years, hee hee... :) and she'll be 37 weeks pregnant on tuesday. Her other two were born at 34 and 35 weeks so this is the longest she's ever been preggo (and MAN, she isn't fun to be around! Her poor husband...hee hee ;) so we're celebrating that she's made it this far. I think we're just going to go to Macaroni Grill or something... would I be okay just ordering some grilled chicken with steamed veggies? Do I have to ask specifically for no seasonings/butter?

Okay... no more rambling. I will log today's food tonight. I'm going to try to have a "perfect" FF day...we'll see!

Thanks for all the encouragement!


P.S. I have to urge anyone who loves great movies to see 3:10 to Yuma... it was EXCELLENT. Russel Crowe was just phenomenal. It was just awesome. The Bourne Ultimatum was a big let down, but that could have just been because we watched it immediately after Yuma.

14 September 2007

Phase One Day Ten!!! 9/13/07

7:30am- LLC

8:30am- Hot Lemon Water

10am- 2 eggs with TONS OF SPINACH (It wasn't like eating eggs with spinach in them...more like the other way around!)

11:30am- Grapefruit

3pm- Tunafish with flaxseed oil and lemon mixed in with Lettuce and 1 whole can of NO SALT Green Beans

7pm- HUGE bowl of Salad... Mustard, Turnip, Collard greens and Spinach with one shredded carrot with Flaxseed oil and some grilled chicken on top.

9pm- Vanilla Whey/Berry/Flaxseed Oil "Icecream"

-I fell asleep watching a movie with hubby and forgot to have my LLC. Oops!

I'm so proud of myself for sticking with this! I've NEVER followed any sort of "diet" plan for over 10 days. I know I'm going to stick with this. I'm still nervous that I'm not going to see as much of a drop in weight on tuesday as I want to, but I know I need to be PATIENT. I'm going to stick with Phase One for at least another week and maybe two. I don't feel like I'm missing anything without the "friendly carb" additions.

Tonight is Sushi/Date night and I'm just going to order two spicey smoked salmon handrolls with no rice. Basically it will just be spicey salmon and seaweed wrap. Because of the spice I won't feel the need for any soy sauce. We're going to see TWO movies...3:10 to Yuma, and The Bourne Ultimatum! (Don't get out much, so taking advantage of having a baby sitter tonight!)

Have a great weekend everyone! I'll be on tomorrow to log today's meals!


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