Multiplicity1's Journal

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19 October 2010

It was a good day today. I meditated, did a few of my stomach exercises, did Bible study, prayed in the morning and took a 30 minute walk tonight. My foot hurt just a tiny bit so I think it is fine to begin my regular 45 minutes of walking per day. No exercise DVDs for a long while though. I don't want to refracture that foot. I didn't get my new recipe made today but I managed to eat 11 of my 12 veggie carbs for the day which is good for me. Tomorrow I am going to make my new veggie recipe. I have to figure out how many carbs the orange juice that the broccoli cooks in has. It is about 1/4 c from a fresh orange I think. I'll look it up in the food diary. The recipe also has ginger root in it and it will be the first time I have tried that in a recipe. I hope I like it.
Zeta got a nice long walk today from my husband and she was so excited when my daughter and I came home. It is wonderful to get such an enthusiastic greeting. She is full of life and growing like a weed. Things would be great if we could just get her potty trained. I bought a bell to put on our door for her to push with her paw when she wants to go out so maybe that will help give her the hint. She is learning how to shake hands. She already knows how to sit, lie down and to speak. I really need to work on having her Come reliably.
I am beginning to get a handle on how to plan around the puppy's schedule and it will get easier. As I work on things I will adjust her more to our schedule. I guess I will go to bed now and read a bit - it is up at 7 am for me now with the puppy. Have a wonderful evening!

18 October 2010

I got back from my retreat yesterday. I had a few minor slip ups. I ate two kalamata olive rolls and three tiny pinches less than 1/4 of a bite of a chocolate dessert that was called crack. I wish I hadn't messed up at all but at least it didn't cause any cravings. I am now back on my plan of going back on Induction plus nuts for two weeks again. I am also actually cooking some recipes. I made one today and bought ingredients fro another today. Last night my husband made a new recipe that called for chicken breasts with buttered slivered almonds and Camenbert cheese. The cheese cost over $10 but it was incredible and I am going to use it for an omelet tonight. I made a recipe of Chinese vegetables but it was a bit bland. It did have a lot of veggie carbs though so it helps me to avoid my boring every day salad routine.
Still no referral for my husband to Vanderbilt. I was struggling to type because my daughter's cat just crawled into my lap. I petted her for a while then pushed her down so I could type. Now I have cat hair all over my keyboard.
I am happy to report that my foot is finally doing better so I am going to try to start walking again beginning tomorrow. I really miss the stress reduction. I walk a little bit with the puppy now but not for 45 minutes at a time usually just for 15 minutes or so. Zeta is doing great. She has her bandage off now and her leg and foot seems to be doing fine. We did find out from the vet that she had actually fractured some toes in the door accident in addition to her leg. That made me feel awful. At first her leg did seem to bother her but now she is walking on hard and soft surfaces just fine and running upstairs without showing any discomfort at all. I think we are going to buy a harness to walk her. I think it will give us more control over her as we are trying to teach her to heel. She pulls like crazy. She is eating all her food every meal now and some snacks also. I need to do some obedience work with her tonight.
I haven't gotten anything done yet today but Zeta should be going to bed soon so I will work on my exercises and my other activities then. Now I need to go say hi to all my buddies.

11 October 2010

I am going to a retreat on Friday and I am a bit worried about all the junk food that everyone brings there. Chips, cookies, cake and every kind of chocolate you can imagine. I just started Induction again but I am having nuts because during my last retreat my macadamia nuts were the one thing that kept me from straying to the junk food.
I skipped my weigh in yesterday because I figured I had gained weight from my binge over the dog and boredom. But this morning I was down the tiniest fraction of a lb. 188.4. I am so relieved I didn't regain weight.
I haven't journaled in a week because I have been looking up and writing down new recipes that I want to learn to cook so I can get over my boredom. I have also been keeping up with my wild puppy. I will be glad when she gets her bandage off because she is chewing on it and it gets so dirty. Besides I just want her to feel better. She gets very bitey and barky when we can't walk her much. We go to the vet this afternoon and he will check her out and give her the second round of shots. I don't know if he will give her another Xray or not.
We made a new recipe out of Dana Carpender's book 1001 Low Carb Recipes. It had ground beef, onions, celery and bean sprouts and was a stir fry. It was really good.
I am going to close for now so I can go catch up on my buddies journals.

04 October 2010

Had a traumatic evening yesterday and dealt with it by falling off the wagon. My puppy was coming in the outside apt. door with my daughter and her leg got caught in the door which doesn't work correctly. We took her to the animal hospital and it turned out that she has a hairline fracture in her leg. I felt terrible for the puppy and for my daughter who was distraut about the incident. They wrapped the puppy's leg and said it should heal in one or two weeks and she may get the bandage off in a week or up to four weeks later. The staff wrote on the puppy's wrappings - get well soon we love you Zeta. I have pain meds for her for a couple of days. She is still pretty active even with the wrapped leg and eager to get in trouble. She looks pitiful. I felt really bad that she got hurt and I ate over it and over being bored with my food. They were not good reasons to eat over and I'm sorry I gave in to the temptation.
I ate a Baby Ruth, A pack of Ding Dongs and some chips and salsa from Chilis. I looked at the Ding Dong package this morning and it had 47 carbs in it. I only ate half today so I won't go over my carbs too bad today but yesterday was a disaster. If I get cravings from this I will probably go back on Induction. The only reason I am hesitant about going back on Induction is that one of the reasons I cheated was boredom and Induction is more boring than OWL. As soon as Zeta settles down for a nap again I am going to work on food planning and making up some menu ideas so I have some variety in my food choices. I should have done that a long time ago but I have been lazy about it. Mostly I am bored with eating a salad every day and a MIM every other day so I need some vegetable ideas and some breakfast ideas. I thought I would have my husband teach me how to make an omelet. And pancakes - the legal kind would be good or my recipe for a mock danish. Part of my problem is that I am a fussy eater and I have to broaden my food choices. I feel bad I cheated but at least I didn't eat the other half of the bag of chips and I stopped this morning. I could have gone on and on. I just have to move forward and try not to make the same mistake. Zeta is in her puppy corral so I am going to go work on recipes.

03 October 2010

I'm excited! I broke achieved another milestone. I am under 190 - in the 180's now. My food hasn't been wonderful for the past two weeks so I am lucky I lost at all. With all the excitement and work of the new puppy I haven't spent the time I need on creating new recipes to alleviate my boredom with my menu. I have to find some new choices that I can make and eat on a regular basis. After I post on here for a while I will try to work on that. I need to get caught up on my buddies journals.
My puppy is in her new puppy corral at the moment which looks like a puppy jail. She has her chew toys in there and doesn't mind it too much.
We are walking her 5 times a day. Today will be her first trip to the dog park so I hope she likes it.
It has been more stressful than I expected having the new puppy mainly because I have to watch her every second. We found out we weren't supposed to leave her water down all day but should give it to her at scheduled times which for us will be after every walk and during meals. That will be eight times a day so she should get plenty of water.
Because we left her water out all day we were having to take her out every 15 minutes to the bathroom. Now it will be much more reasonable.
I got a clicker to help with obedience training. It is supposed to make the training much faster and easier. I'll try it.
I haven't done any exercises in forever. I just have to get some done tonight. I will probably wait until the puppy goes down at 5 or 8 to try them. I have to plan all my activities around hers now.
Don't know any more about my husband's situation except that his doctor is referring him to Vanderbilt. She told him she heard about one man going to 9 neurologists before he was correctly diagnosed and she didn't want my husband to go through that.

Multiplicity1's Weight History

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