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12 February 2017

12 February 2017

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
104.1 kg 2.9 kg 45.2 kg Reasonably Well
   Add Comment Losing 0.2 kg a Week

01 February 2017

Frustratingly, my weight is not moving. My clothes are not getting any loser. I'm not feeling any healthier. I count calories, but it seems like it's in vain right now.

I've racked my brain for things that I can do that will integrate into a new, healthier lifestyle that will produce a stronger, healthier me with more stamina for the long days. I know you can't change the whole thing at once, otherwise it won't stick.

First, there is a diagnosis of what might make the most impact. As I sat back last night and thought about what was the most irritating thing, I came up with a list:

> A need to graze in the afternoon if I don't eat a pretty huge lunch of 500 calories.

> A lack of bowel movements (BM).

> Being so out of shape that it hurts to move my left knee in a lot of moves.

> Not finding food (in general) satisfying.

Of these, the ones that I want to focus on for the next phase of this is to fix the BM problem. I'm starting this with drinking an extra bottle of water a day and seeing if that doesn't move things along.

The other thing that I'm working on is the knee while getting more in shape. Hooray for a friend that is getting a cert in personal training for crippled people! (Seriously, he wants to help military vets with severe disabilities.) I told him my plan, and he volunteered to give me weekly workouts to help me develop strength in the muscles around the knee safely.

As soon as the weather is better here, I'm going to start walking again. Until then, mobility exercises are a great place to start. Not only does it keep me moving, but it helps to "oil the hinges".

This week's exercises: Toe touches and assisted lunges.

Toe touches: Place feet about 1.5 feet apart. Reach up as high as you can, stretching and aiming to separate the rib cage from the hips as much as possible. Drop arms, and reach down to the toes.

Repeat 10 - 15 times, or until it is easy to touch the floor.

Move the toes in an inch or two, then repeat until it's easy to reach the floor.

Repeat moving toes in, reaching up, and then down until your feet are touching and it's easy to touch the floor.

Assisted lunges:

We put a resistance band around the loft above my desk. Simply hang onto the handles to help assist a proper lunge.

I do 10/side each day until it is easy and comfortable. Might be there for a good long while.... >.>

31 January 2017

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
104.5 kg 2.5 kg 45.5 kg Reasonably Well
   Add Comment Losing 0.2 kg a Week

26 January 2017

The last couple days have been crap. Not with eating, but with sleeping. My cat is sick, which means that I'm not sleeping well while he freaks out. Having a neurotic cat with IBS is one of the most trying aspects of my life.

So, sleep deprived, suffering with a migraine, and ill from lack of sleep, we ordered pizza. Still under calorie limit (YAY!!!!!) with a thin crust, light tomato sauce, light cheese, and heavy on the veggies means that I was able to get the calorie count per slice at 110. I was too lazy to enter it into Fat Secret correctly, so it looks like more. Don't really care -- I've come to accept the limits of these databases. The convenience far outweighs the problems.

Today I'm going for a mostly liquid diet -- starting with a banana "smoothie". I posted about it once before, but I altered the recipe to be:

2 frozen bananas, cut up and put into a blender (sans peel, obviously)
2 TBS of peanut butter
1/4 cup of dark chocolate chips
1 scoop of whey protein
1 cup of skim milk.

Blend -- makes 3 cups according to the markings on the blender.

I split this into two and put one in the freezer. It makes a GREAT, healthy shake.

With the added whey protein, this is actually pretty filling, so I like using it on mornings when I sleep in. You know, like when a sick cat keeps you up all night. Or on lazy Saturday mornings when it's more like brunch time when you get around to eating.

When I lose the next 10 lbs, I'm going to reward myself with cleaning out my closet, trying things on, and reorganising. Anything that it too big, I'm tossing in my fabric bin to alter into something "new".

My goal date for that, keeping with the -1.5 lbs/wk, is 9.March.2017.

Deep breaths. No turning back now. It's time to apply myself to this achievement of physical health.

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