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09 June 2016

Well of course I went over my RDI, I had to "test" the new cookie recipe: sheesh! Therefore, net calories are in the Positive Zone. Without a doubt, this weekend will bring more walking than usual, so I refuse to sweat the extra calories. Besides, my macros look good!

This recipe is way yummier than the last one, not that that will keep me from experimenting further with the next batch (tee hee hee!).

I put on my "good" jeans this afternoon, and they kinda slid down to my hips. These were fresh from the dryer, so they've shrunk a bit. I've shrunk a bit as well, so, yay!

Was up until 3:30 this morning, listening to these Online Summit interviews -- learned a lot, including a devastating research result -- so it's gonna be Beddy-Bye Time pretty danged early tonight. Maybe I'll do the extra walking tomorrow. Who knows?

08 June 2016

There's just nothing like patchkying around in the kitchen, inventing stuff to eat: I feel like a mad scientist sometimes, tee hee hee! Heavily modified another Fat Bomb recipe -- sure seems like lately I can't just follow a recipe for those, what's up with that? -- to the point that it's a whole 'nother thing. Will try to remember what I did, so it can be added to my Cook Book.

For lunch, I added Coconut Oil to the bean-and-corn salsa on the turkey burger. It lent a slightly "exotic" flavor to the Cowboy Caviar, which was interesting, but probably not worth repeating. We live and we learn.

Meanwhile, my brassicas get so danged frozen in my fridge that they shrink (!!), unlike water, which expands when it freezes. So, I sauté them up instead of trying to make a salad of frozen veggies, which'd totally upset my dental work! Got a hunch that using Bacon Fat instead of Coconut Oil might be good. Boy, howdy, was it ever: numma, numma, numma!

Trying to "leave room" for a Fat Bomb, to see how they are. I didn't add any sweetener at all, and used Essential Oil of Peppermint, as I have no Peppermint Extract, and the Oil is way stronger than the extract. Might be a little too cooling. Or, maybe not.

07 June 2016

Sheesh!!! I was right there, in Trader Joe's this morning, and I didn't buy bacon!!???!! Seriously, I mean, bwah???! I am too good at following my grocery list!

Ah, well, going up there tomorrow will be my exercise for the day.

Was listening to a very interesting interview with a doctor who ascribed one's stress to one's "delusions," those core beliefs like, "If only people would do what I want, everything would be fine," or, "Everyone should love me unconditionally," or, "I should have a thicker skin," and so forth. In other words, we each have a strong belief that can trigger anger or shame or pain or even emotional trauma whenever they are countermanded, yet the belief is not true. Made me think rather deeply, it did.

He also said that he invites his patients to consider the "good in this horrible incident," which reminded me of something I'd heard a couple of years ago and try to remember to do. When something -- anything, like harsh words from a loved one to slicing a blood vessel to my favorite coffee mug tumbling over and shattering -- it is less helpful to complain, "Why is this happening to me?" than it is to ask, "Why is this happening for me?" Not to me, but for me. It's been my experience that the answer to that second question yields more insight, and often shows the way to a solution or a resolution. And I do like to solve my problems.

Okay, enough with the tangents. I'm having another day during which I just don't feel like eating as much as other days. Wonder if I'm becoming keto-adapted? I have been at this for a few months now, so it's entirely possible. It'd be cool if that were the case. Then again, it may just be all this too-hot-for-my-liking weather. At any rate, many negative net calories today. It's kinda nice to get away from the it's-been-two-hours-I-better-eat-something habit. Hope it continues once the weather cools!

I had no idea that the peanut butter I was getting from Trader Joe's was not organic, until I saw the organic butters on the top shelf. Or, rather, the organic butters now on the top shelf. Guess which jars I'll be reaching for from now on? ;-)

07 June 2016

Not overly hot this morning, so I cooked some of The Bacon (man, I love that stuff!). Now that Summer is coming on, I think what I'll do is cook up the entire package during the cooler evening hours, and just dole out what I will eat each morning. That'll ensure Bacon Every Day -- and how marvellous is that! -- no matter what the Weather Underground website says. Besides, the Nutritional Info on the package's label states the serving size as "cooked" anyway, so that way I could keep better track of what I'm actually ingesting.

I forgot that Trader Joe's Cowboy Caviar has no fat whatsoever, so I made sure I included some Olive Oil on the burger. For good measure, I also had a tablespoon of Coconut Oil. Gotta work on that.

Got a phone call from our building's new (off-site) Manager, asking me how I'm getting along with my needing to move. I think she called because, as I was leaving to get groceries, a 'constructioneer' came out of the apartment next to mine, and I suspect he called her with his concern. Like I needed any more pressure. I didn't say that to her, though. I also didn't tell her that my primary focus this weekend has been on getting a job, or that I will probably not check for vacancies again before Friday. She asked me what amount of rent I was looking to pay, so I quoted a price about $100 lower than what I expect the going rate for studio apartments are in this neighborhood. She typed that in and produced a couple of her other properties -- she oversees 21 all together -- and, of course, came up with nothing. She mentioned 2 that were over my actual anticipated budget, and I made a "yikes" kind of sound after each one, largely because I want someone else to manage the building where I will be living, but also to let her hear how much this Rent Stuff pains me. Then she said she'd be on the lookout for something for me, and I told her I would let her know when I'd be ready to move. The City requires her to send me another 20-Day Notice To Vacate if I'm not out at the end of the 90-day period, so, technically, I have a whole other month. Did some more anxiety-relieving stuff once I was off the phone, and I think I'll need to do some more. Meditation sounds like a good idea about now; methinks I'll go do that.

06 June 2016

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