notelaine's Journal

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16 October 2016

Love lazy weekends. Made some pumpkin protein pancakes for breakfast today that were insane. Also made what might be my new favorite fall dinner last night: wild rice, turkey, cranberries, and apples baked in a mini pumpkin. Basically pumpkin is the best.

Planning out my meals for the coming week. My goal is to stay on track for every planned meal, and make it to the gym 5 times. Also meeting with the nutritionist for the first time next week, so looking forward to that.

The only unknowns during the week is Tuesday when the boy is taking me out to dinner somewhere. Then the weekend is another gamble. Going out to dinner with him, his dad, and his dad's fiance for dinner on Friday. So... yea. Gonna be fun dreading that all week.

Goals for today: get in a quick run and work on negative pull-ups, stick to meal plan

14 October 2016

One thing I like about paying for sessions versus just a flat monthly rate is that it keeps me consistent. I pay for 5 sessions a week, so come hell or high water I'll be there 5 times a week. I also get free access to the rest of the weights any time during the day, so I might see about supplementing some extra strength training sessions in the mornings.

But already getting flak from friends for going so often. My favorite is from my coworker, who was supposed to join at the same time I did, but he bailed at the last minute. And now he says he's "too busy" to join. Yet, he's the one who's mad at me because I didn't go out last night to happy hour (since I went to workout) and am not going out today (since I will be going to workout).

Looking forward to the weekend though. Hopefully it won't be too rainy, because I'd love to get one last long ride in.

13 October 2016

12 October 2016

27 September 2016

I need to get a better handle on my stress. I’ve realized that I am always stressing over something, and feel that once that’s past, I can relax. But in reality, as soon as whatever event has passed, I’ve found something new to stress about. It’s a never ending cycle. I’m going to start looking up techniques to manage it better, because I can’t keep doing this forever. I’m teaching an 8 hour seminar tomorrow and my hair is about to fall out I’m so stressed. I don’t do public speaking well…..

But speaking of techniques, I’m also in the process of reading “brain over binge”, which has been very enlightening. Again, it’s been a recent revelation that binge eating is the primary factor for me falling off the wagon. It’s as if I lose control over myself and just can’t stop eating. It’s something I’ve always struggled with. Like, I have vivid memories of my 8-year-old self raiding the pantry when my parents left me home alone and eating until I hated myself. Hoping that getting a handle on this eating disorder will be the help I need to finish this weight loss journey.

On a fun note, after tomorrow, I’m taking Thursday and Friday off to go camping with the boy toy for a wedding he’s the best man at on Saturday. It’s going to be cold out, but I’d much rather have it be cold than miserably hot! I’ve been working on my grocery list, and its… interesting to say the least. We will be camping with one of his friends and they are having the bachelor party there with a handful of other guys on Thursday night. So I’m trying to figure out what to feed them, and what to feed myself because they will not be the same, lol. Thinking lots of fruit and veggies and lean meat to grill, and they can enjoy their cheese-filled brats, beer, taco dip, potato chips, and god knows what else.

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