datadoll's Journal

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25 July 2010

Thinking about my August goals. Because the apparent plateau wants to hang on, I have decided to focus on size. Phooey on that silly scale. So I will be taking my measurements and paying attention to my clothes. I am already down one size from an 18 to a 16. The 16's are comfortable, not too tight, so I am aiming for a 14. I have a trip scheduled in September to visit my daughter. I was there in March in my snug fitting 18's. I will be thrilled to step off the plane in my 14's.

I am keeping my eating plan as is and will up my activity level. I am really pushing on the elliptical and intend to keep at it. I will also be adding some hand weights tomorrow. I want to start working on my arms, back and belly. I haven't done anything at all to tone. I am thinking that my concentrated efforts for a full month should make a noticeable difference. And, I can easily pack the hand weights to take with me and keep up my efforts while I am there. I can count on lots of walks and time playing with the girls for the aerobic stuff. I will insist on planning meals and doing the cooking. Young mom's so appreciate that kind of help. ; )

But I digress, I was planning August goals, the trip is in September.

We have a family reunion with hubby's kids later in the month and will be hosting potluck and pinochle also. So, I have to get the house in order for a housefull of friends. Since I will be gone most of September and into October I might as well get my fall cleaning done now. I have some walls that need scrubbed and want to get some things cleared out the garage because that is where we will be playing cards. That should help keep me off the couch and using some muscle. I have plenty of work in the garden to keep me busy, too. With a good plan I can get it done, feel good about being away from home for so long and burn some extra calories to boot. Oh yes, I will have to get some canning done, too. I used up my canned tomatoes so I really need to stock up. I am also low on applesauce and other canned fruits. Looks like August is going to be a very busy month.

24 July 2010

Another gorgeous day. Hopped on the elliptical this morning feeling really good after yesterday's push. I was actually anxious to work out this morning. I didn't have a goal when I started and my mind went back and forth on what I was going to do. I wasn't far into it before I realized that I just didn't have the energy to go too hard or too long. I opted for comfortable to allow my muscles to heal from yesterday but still burn some calories. I ended up 30 minutes at my normal pace. It was good, a good sweat, not winded or fatigued when finished. Being a Saturday, I will find plenty to keep going the rest of the day.

Like I said yesterday, right now I really don't care about the scale and how fast it moves. I know that I know that I know... eating right and getting plenty of exercise it what it takes to be healthy. Part of which is a healthy weight that RESULTS from healthy eating and getting plenty of exercise. A friend of mine on another forums has a cool signature, a good reminder for all of us. I am only responsible for my behaviors, not the results.

Another good thing for yesterday. We went to our monthly potluck dinner and card night. I have learned that if I want healthy food at the dinner, I had better take it myself. Just as the summer foods are beginning to be harvested I went to the farm stand and picked up fresh green beans, fresh corn and peaches. The vegies and fruit were well recieved and the dishes I brought home were just about emptied. My calorie intake for the day was not far off target. No more fear of potlucks, and that is a very good thing as potlucks are so much a part of our social scene and our friendships are SOOOO important.

23 July 2010

What a great week I have had. Eating really great foods this week. Lots of very yummy fresh fruits and vegetables. Lots of good stuff. That's normal these days. ; ) Now the good part. I have been working so hard to break this blasted plateau I have hit. In my effort to that I decided to really step up my activity level. I had worked my way from 10 minute walks to 40 minute walks. During which time I added working on the elliptical beginning at 5 minutes and finally reaching 40 minutes. Well I blew it all away this week. I used my morning walks for wake up and warm up. My husband I and got out and walked the dog every morning for 30 minutes. Just a nice warm up to my day. After my breakfast I got on my elliptical every day for 40 minutes without missing and again in the evening for 20 minutes. I played around with it all week. Took it kind of easy on Monday just to be sure I could do the 40 minutes. I really wanted to go the distance. Once I did that, I pushed myself for some intensity going hard, backing off, back and forth. So today is Friday, my last day to work hard this week. Here I will take a bow. I just got off my elliptical.....drum roll..... SEVENTY MINUTES!!!!!!! I am so empowered by that. I am celebrating!! Did I break that stinking plateau? LOL I don't even care!! I am so amazed by myself that I could actually stay on the elliptical for that length of time that I really do NOT care what that scale says. I will think about that another time. All I know now is that I am a fat burning machine! WOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! If I were a runner I would start training for my first 5K. Guess I can figure out what that would be on my elliptical. hmmmmmmmmmm

22 July 2010

I have been on a bit of a plateau. I have gone up and down like a bouncing ball since around the first of the month. Overall I am down a bit so I am bouncing in the right direction. This week I have increase my activity level by a bunch. Hopefully the extra activity will help the scale move with fewer up bounces.

I still have today's menu to plan. Have had breakfast and its time for a snack. I think I should get the snack in before I try to plan the rest I the day. I am so hungry that right now everything sounds too good. Yogurt and berries will get all that in line in nothing flat.

Upping my activity has really increased my appetite. My level of hunger is pretty close to what it was those first days when I decided to get this weight off. I told myself then that hunger was my friend, it meant that my body is using the foods that I am putting in my mouth. I also remind myself that I am eating so often and so much that the hunger will be taken care of very soon! And with healthy, satisfying food.

I love good food! I also have a new definition of what good food is. In my mind, when I heard "good food" I heard yummy, tasty, pleasurable. Now I know that good food is nutritional first, is also tasty and pleasurable, and although the taste is still only momentary and the real pleasure is not instant gratification, but it is slower in that it gives me longer lasting energy which in turn enables me to have a totally different life. You gotta love that!

21 July 2010

I woke up to cloudy skies this morning.

My morning routine is to fall out of bed and head out the door while I am still asleep and start walking. I avoid thinking about it because I can easily talk myself into staying home. By the time I wake up, I am enjoying a beautiful morning walk with my little Shih Tzu and my husband. I have varied my walks from very short to quite long. It depends on the morning, whether I grabbed an apple on the way out of the door and how hydrated I am.

Home from my walk, I sit down with my coffee and computer to plan the day. I plan my menu for the full day, including snacks, I plan what exercise I want to fit in and whatever is on my calendar for the day. I use a wonderful piece of nutritional software for my meal planning (a great tool for planning foods that include all of the micronutients) and for tracking my exercise and activity.

I also keep a mood log as I am on meds for depression. This morning, I logged a point lower than I have been. I contemplated why. Ah, the cloudy sky. So I decided to focus on my busy day and a project that needs finished up in the next week. I intend to keep a positive attitude and gain that point back before the day is out.

I also remembered how low I was just a couple months ago. The real benefits to eating healthy foods and staying active are a healthy mind and elevated mood. As important to all of us a healthy body is, it does not compare to having a healthy mind and enjoying the fullness of life.

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