stolenbliss's Journal

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05 January 2014

No real gym time today because it is disgusting outside. It seems like such a mild storm until you go outside. I had to run to the store because I was out of dry cat food, and in protest my kitten decided not to eat any of her wet food. That was enough wandering outside for me today. I'll do some squats and yoga later.

On Sundays I like to go into a massive food prep binge, where I make big batches of food to store in portion sized bags and freeze, and also prepare some food for the week. Today it's hard boiled eggs, breakfast burritos, cooked carrots, Bucket o' Veg (a large container full of chopped up veggies for easy munching access), cooked matchstick carrots and celery, guacamole, smoothies, juice, mashed potatoes, baguette (sliced into portions and frozen, I didn't make it) and two big things of soup. One is a broccoli cheese I've made for years, but the other is a new recipe as of today: "Black Bean Soup", which is really more of a multiple veggie soup in a tomato base. It's very good and I will make it again...I just might double the black beans next time. I love black beans.

It's 199 calories for a cup and it really is quite filling. Should make for about 10 freezer packs each soup, I think. I should have made more, because that's really quite a low calorie lunch, and I like that.

[Edit: It made 15 packs! For $20 of materials, that isn't bad at all! I love creating cheap, healthy meals.]

04 January 2014


This started out as one of those things you talk about with friends when you've had a couple to drink. "We should toooootally do this!" "YES!" and then it falls through...but it didn't fall through. All eight of the girls agreed, and as of yesterday the flights have been booked. We still have to book the hotel, but booked flights means we are officially GOING TO VEGAS.

Now I feel the need to go to the gym, bad. The only thing is that it's below 0 degrees outside, and I definitely don't want to go outside unless I have to. It'll be hard to push myself, but I NEED TO GO.

I cracked a beer in celebration of deciding on the hotel I originally suggested (why wouldn't you want to stay in a luxury condo overlooking the Strip on the 38th floor?!), but after this I'm done with calories for the night. Weighs while watching Ocean's 13 later!

03 January 2014

Well, not doing so hot on journaling! However, I did mean to journal last night when I got into bed, but I discovered the iPhone app doesn't have a journal feature (unless I totally missed it somewhere).

I'm not doing so hot on the water thing, either, but that's always a struggle for me when it gets cold outside. I do not want to drink anything even room temperature (and I'm one of those people who do like room temperature water). I just want tea and coffee, and I would feel awful filling myself full of Keurig tea all day. I hate how wasteful those things are, so I just do without.

I nearly stress-ate earlier because fire just destroyed a big local landmark, and the whole office was glued to live feeds of the fire. I didn't, though! It's a little thing, but every little thing is a victory!

Oh, also, last night I didn't go to the gym, and thought I could do my kettleball routine at home. I forgot that my kitten LOVES watching the kettleball swing around, so I had to be cautious 100% of the time about her location so she wouldn't try to bat at the kettleball and get whacked in the face. I hope she breaks her fascination with that thing soon.

31 December 2013

30 December 2013

It's been awhile since I've been truly active on FS. I've monitored my calorie intake several times, but I wasn't joining groups and doing challenges and writing out my progress day-by-day. I need it. I need to update this every day. If I don't, I'm bound to slip.

I'm up to my heaviest ever, clocking in at 140. I'm not fat, but I'm definitely overweight now and I don't like it. I've been in a bit of a mood lately, and I've been stress eating to deal with it. I'll start out with well-intended portion sizes then double it when I go back for seconds, primarily, but I can go overboard with eating some leftovers at 10:30 at night. I'm not happy about the overeating or the weight gain, and it needs to change.

It might not have been so bad if I hadn't injured myself quite badly yet again. This time it's a reoccurring foot pain, most likely plantar fasciitis, which is the inflammation of the large tendon connecting the heel to the ball. It's incredibly painful, even in rest, and has been this way for five months this year. I did mild exercise through the first bout of it (month and a half back in April and May) because I thought it was a mild pull. Now that it's happened a second time and it's much worse, I gave it total rest. I didn't even lift weights because even small movements pulled. But now it only hurts sometimes, with a mild discomfort at the end of the day. I think I can start lifting weights now and do yoga poses that don't pull the bottoms of the feet.

Stress eating and staying off my feet = things I want to change. And I am truly determined this time. I know I can do it. I just need to put my mind to it. I ENJOY working out and I CAN feel satisfied eating just a small amount. Just time to really think about what I'm doing.

This is also a good time to be doing this because my group of girl friends has decided to head to Vegas in March. If we're going to be wearing skimpy dresses and bikinis, I need to shed a few pounds.

So, I'll be updating this (nearly) daily. See you guys around.

- Work out three times a week (at least 2 at the gym; plyo and abs day can be at home)
- Do one major yoga session once a week + 5 minutes every morning and night
- Get foot well enough to be doing cardio
- Lose 1 pound a week
- Only three sessions of drinking a week (that means bar nights, beer after work, drinks with dinner, etc. A period of time in which I have at least one alcoholic beverage)
- Have only one cheat day a week (which will not be documented as it's hard to document on those days)
- Have a glass of water 20 minutes before every meal

stolenbliss's Weight History

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