myawethinTICself's Journal, 18 Mar 14

WARNING: This is a very lengthy entry but I'm sure all those who take the time to read & understand the principals behind my words will not be disappointed.

To work with our hands we are called a 'Laborer'.
To work with our hands & mind we are known as a 'Craftsman'.
To work with our hands,mind & heart we become an 'Artist'.
----Which are you?

A good part of this month(as well as in past years) I have been doing for others & neglecting myself. There is no blame or credit to or toward anyone in that statement,only acknowledgement. *I* have been a Laborer & not enjoying it completely.

The rest of the month I have been reading, researching, meditating, grasping points,learning & trying to commit them to memory so I can become better at applying what I'm learning. *I* have been a Craftsman & thoroughly enjoying my time in that!

Some things I took note of & that will aid me in my weight loss goals:


This question was cynically asked by the Roman Governor,Pontius Pilate,to Jesus Christ,the Son of God.-John 18:38 Pilate was not really interested in the answer (& Jesus didn't give him one) *maybe* because he thought the truth was too hard to grasp or that to accept it would cost him something he wasn't willing to pay.(Comfort,Change?) To accept the truth would call for him to make an 'about-face' (that military reference is for you NM :D)
This same attitude is held by many people today. Some believe that the truth can NOT be absolute. They believe truth is relative,always changing, which implies that people can determine for themselves what is right & what is not.(Isaiah 5:20-21) Albert Einstein,a man known for his intelligence,was quoted as having this belief.(Opinions & Ideas)
According to Jesus the truth was not a vague or an incomprehensible concept.

"To earthling man his way does not belong.It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step."--Jeremiah 10:23

God didn't create humans (us) with the ability or the perogitive to be independent of his directions AND be successful at the same time. His inspired writings encourage us to "Trust in Jehovah with all our heart & do not lean upon our own understanding. In all our ways take notice of him & he himself will make our paths straight."--Proverbs 3:5-6
IF we *really* WANT the truth concerning the important issues of life & the answers that perplex humans,God has them!(And it is IMPOSSIBLE for him to lie :D Titus 1:2)

Besides Einsteins intelligent mind was another man known for his superior wisdom, Solomon. That Bible writer of the Book of Proverbs urged humans to "buy truth"--Prov 23:23
So if Pontius Pilate did indeed think accepting truth would cost him something he was correct in that thinking. Truth does cost! Solomon went on to say:" Do not sell it" Indicating truth is invaluable! What is too high of a price to pay?

Jesus promised seekers of truth:"You WILL know the truth & the truth WILL set you free."(John 8:32) Learning the truth is liberating! However,simply *knowing* facts isn't enough.

"However many holy words you read, however many you speak,what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?-- Gautama Budda

Wisdom is *application* of knowledge. Application is what gives knowledge POWER! Solomon said: "Wisdom is the *prime* thing."--Prov.4:5-7

Pontius Pilate rejected the truth. I don't know if Albert Einstein ever got it. But we can....*I* can! (Ps 119:144;Prov.8:35) & it WILL TRANSFORM ME....from the inside out!

I must "buy out" from the time & energies from other pursuits to understand what changes *I* need to put into place in order to get me where I need to be.Where I want to be.
I must"accept the truth" as I learn it,& not lean upon my own understanding especially when *my* understanding has proved faulty before. By accepting the truth & showing that acceptance by my applying it in my conduct,words & thinking the internal transformation WILL effect my outward transformation because action *follows* thought. :D


For my FS buddies that received a challenge invitation from me this week please know that it was a challenge also extended to me,I did not create it but look forward to doing it alongside all who participate in it. :D

Thanks to all who took out time & energy from other things to "buy" what I offered in this journal update.I hope you gain as much value as I have. I look forward to learning from all of you what is of TRUE value!

*I* am becoming an Artist!

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So true, @TIC. The truth is there to see, to hear, and to be part of. Whether we do any of those is based solely on two things: our ability to see it, hear it, and become part of it -- and our willingness. BEST WISHES on your quest, @TIC. 
18 Mar 14 by member: Rob.c.weiss
That's it! :D "see it,hear it & become part of it" is to accept it--"our willingness" is applying it. *Then* the TRANSFORMATION begins on the inside which then will effect the outward TRANSFORMATION :D This *internal* transformation is making progress right now with me! I *feel* it,*see* it & am excited about it :D I think the events in my life this month has helped me *understand* the purpose of patience :) awhile back I mentioned that I was planning on trying to extend my "trial-diet" The 100 with Jorge Cruise another week as things were keeping me from doing it or should I say I was *allowing* things to keep me from doing it ,either way.... that's how patience entered the process for me & I was able to see/accept the truth/ that to speed up the process would keep me from attaining/learning valuable lessons/qualities that are vital for my successful transformation into the life that I'm creating for myself. When I look at it from *this* perspective the disappointment that I felt from not fully grasping the concept at first just dissolved & has been replaced with a ,mmmm, "ah-ha!" moment that kind of nestled in & makes me feel like "why the rush? this is forever. take your're gettin' it right this time." :D 
18 Mar 14 by member: myawethinTICself
I could't agree more .  
19 Mar 14 by member: namramn1
So very true! Very inspiring and I hope you don’t mind my plagiarism but I am cutting out the "This is the way..." and putting it on my fridge for a daily reminder and forwarding a copy to some friends. I want to be an artist. Happy Hump Day 
19 Mar 14 by member: almostretired63
I am so glad I read your journal today!! I really needed to hear that and be reminded to become that artist again!! I have been all three at different times in my life, several times over! I need to get grounded, to hear, and not only that, but to learn to listen! Thanks so much for this Tic!! Love and hugs!! 
19 Mar 14 by member: pumakitten
A truly inspiring journal. Thanks so much for sharing - yes we all need to find the artist in ourselves. Have a great day! 
19 Mar 14 by member: Lynn1958 glad to hear you took Solomon's advice to "buy truth" :D I'm positive you must have already found the value in it as you want to share it with your friends! As for your "plagiarism" I can not condone it :D as it goes against "truth" by taking the words or ideas of another & presents them as their own BUT if you care to do what I *meant* to do & *am* doing NOW :D in sharing those words with others,please do & give referrence to Isaiah 30:20-21;Psalm 32:8;139:24;Proverbs 6:23 & Sing to Jehovah #65 :D That way we aren't plagiarizing anyone! :D HAPPY HUMP DAY back to you :D  
19 Mar 14 by member: myawethinTICself
KITTEN....Lu, :D You are welcome! I wrote the journal in order to look back on it when I feel I need reminded or to browse thru when looking for encouragement for myself but was also hoping to give others the same motivation & help if they were in need or thought they could use it at some later time. So glad I did :D & so pleased you could use it! Listening is *so* important & at times,so very hard to do. Love & hugs back at'cha!! 
19 Mar 14 by member: myawethinTICself
Wonderful journal - thank you for sharing it with us. I too find myself much happier as I work toward being an artist. I think it is the ultimate combination of passions and shows in everything we do - from cooking to customers. 
19 Mar 14 by member: FullaBella
LYNN,NAMRAMN,MRSTOFU,CALYNLZ,CHICA,JOVIALJ & TIM...thanks so much for your "buying" from other things to read my journal,adding your comments & touching my heart in supporting my efforts to become an "Artist" :D Here's to ALL of US in sculpting OUR OWN MASTERPIECE! 
19 Mar 14 by member: myawethinTICself
O BELLA, I'm so glad you read today! I learn so much from you & your journals & feel you give so much of yourself in your writings that contribute not just toward your own successes but to mine & so many others here on FS. One of my hopes as I pour out my thoughts,feelings,learnings in my journals is that I am able to give to YOU all I feel you have given to ME. (((<3))) :D 
19 Mar 14 by member: myawethinTICself
TIC we are parallel in our thoughts..... it's uncanny really. Thank you for the courage to lay it bare for all to see and take in the message, as we dare to be artists and find that divine path for our best lives. It is so much simpler than we think. Here's to you and all of us as we find our way. 
19 Mar 14 by member: JennBuck61
Thanks JENN, "parallel in thought" hmmm :D since I aim to keep" the mind of Christ" I guess it's appropriate to say: Great minds think alike"! :D  
19 Mar 14 by member: myawethinTICself


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