Transformation Butterfly's Journal, 09 Jan 20

Thank you for the feedback as I expected to get some honest replies and some agitated response as that is the norm these days.

I was not always a diabetic and what I didn't include is that all of the office employees know that the owner of this company has been a life long diabetic and he is the one promoting good eating habits. I also neglected to tell you that we don't have vending machines and the only time donuts or sweet treats appear in the office is when a large group of people are talking about exercising and improving their life. I also didn't tell you that the HR manager is the person who brings in these donuts and is shocked when she goes from desk to desk asking if you want one. I have heard everyone tell her no Thanks and yet she continues to bring in donuts. I also didn't tell you that she also sends out monthly emails to everyone tell them about the benefits of healthy eating. This is not a corporate office but it's a large company with 23 locations throughout Florida and I work in the corporate Headquarter office.

Look for those of you who shared the type of donuts you love to eat and that you enjoy donuts. I applaud you as I love all types of foods from every country and I try to eat a variety of foods. I am also a chocolate lover and you know Valentines day is approaching and it's also the most tempting time of the year.

For the people who submitted comments about 20 somethings talking about losing weight and consuming at the same time. Guess what I was 20 something at one time along with everyone else and one day you will be my age if your lucky. I was once 115 pound in my 20's and could eat anything I wanted and would not gain a pound.
I was picked at everyday about being so skinny. (In fact I watched an episode of Wendy, where a 18 year old college student wanted to gain weight and Jillian Michaels was on and told him to consume health amounts of food every two hours at least 500 calories and he would gain weight. I was happy to hear her say consume healthy foods.) So as far as age is concerned we all have weight issue, but I have noticed that the 20 something I am referring to really have no body fat and are complaining about "muffin tops" because they can't fit into a size 3. (I realize you are young and you don't have a lot of life experience yet, but if you are healthy and establishing healthy eating habits you won't have weight issues as you age, but life does happen to us all and stress and family issues and life in general will come at you like a mack truck. There are so many other issues in life that are more relevant but at present you are in a small sphere.) Look when I was your age, I use to go the gym at 5 am and workout,shower and change go and work a full time job and then go back to the gym afterwork and then go home and study for my part time college classes I was taking and taking care of my mother and brother. (Going to the gym was my way of burning of stress as I had to become the bread winner in the family after graduating high school as my father walked away.)

In general I wrote the journal entry to bring attention to how we treat eat other and to be considerate of everyone and not just yourself. We need to look outward and not inward all of the time. We need to set goals, be good examples and move forward on our paths but to enjoy a full life it's the people we meet while on our journey's and how we treat those people. I thank you all for your feedback as I expected to have some of the responses, but the majority of the responses where positive.

Look as far as food is concerned everything in moderation is a good rule of thumb.

I hope my journal pushed some buttons for someone and got you motivated to move. If you got angry good then use that anger not to write, but to move your butt from the computer and to do something outside today and burn up your energy.

I hope my journal encouraged someone who is dealing with being under weight and feeling like the world is looking at you and saying you "look marvelous" or " your too Skinny" and you have to do everything in your power to stay a certain weight and warping your self image to meet their standards. (Find your own image of happiness, eat healthy and you matter at this point in life and everything you do now counts. Enjoy you youth and don't you dare fat shame anyone, because when you point a finger there are three fingers pointing back at you.)

I hope my journal addressed those of us who are older and are looked at as being old and out of shape. Yes, we may be older, Yes, we may have excess weight.(For what ever reason life has brought your way, weight is the one thing that we can take control of and change for the better and moving everyday is the key to the door, so put the key in the lock and open the door and walk through.)

Exercise for today:
4 am riding stationary recumbent bike for 45 minutes.
Cooking breakfast: Egg White omelet with 1.6 oz of mild cheddar, and broccoli from last night dinner with a 8 oz cup of breakfast tea.

Cleaning kitchen, unloading the dish washer and putting everything where it belongs, stripping bed and remaking it, separating laundry and putting into laundry bags and taking laundry bags (not sure of weight but heavy)
down stairs to load into car (Laundry to be done immediately after work today)

Paying bills, writing this journal and getting ready for work.
Working 8 hours
Ending day with another 45 minute exercise workout before going to sleep. (DVD)

It's now 6:42 am and I need to say good bye to get to work.

I hope this journal was a kick start for someone today.

I welcome all your feedback with love.

Have a great day and remember to move today!

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Hugs TB. I am knocking the door on 49 soon and the youngest is heading off to college in Sep. I am working on becoming the better me EVERY day and will be walking around the Boston Commons on a cold January day when I sneak out the office between meetings. It's going to be 58 this weekend and I will run a quick 5K rain or shine as I did one on Jan 1 in the 38 degree weather. I can relate to this post as I am still young in my heart and you sound that way too. 
09 Jan 20 by member: chesgreen
Way to go🙏❤️👍 
09 Jan 20 by member: ocean_girl
Dear Butterfly, thank you for being so open and sharing your heart and soul with us. I’m sure whatever you decide to do or keep doing, you will be a great success at it. 
09 Jan 20 by member: ocean_girl
Very well said hunny. 👏👏👏👏 
09 Jan 20 by member: clairsheart
Keyton, I've seen some really good looking 50 year olds, but never mistook one for a 20 something.  
09 Jan 20 by member: adamevegod1
Keyton, my teasing was over the top, I apologize  
09 Jan 20 by member: adamevegod1
You continue to talk like if donuts are not healthy diet friendly. Yes if you are diabetic I understand why you can’t consume them. P.s. some people might look like they are 20 but they are not 😉 
09 Jan 20 by member: rosio19
Thank you for your honesty in your reflection. Feeling kickstarted here. :0) 
09 Jan 20 by member: binkytexas
Back in my younger years, I too, was accused of being too skinny and ate whatever I wanted ALL of the time. Fast forward to post-baby in my early thirties, and all of a sudden the sh*t got real. Those days of just skipping lunch for a week or two to take me down 5 lbs. no longer existed. It got hard (but still very do-able) after age 40. But now, after age 50 it's incredibly challenging with all that hormonal stuff -- nothing like having pregnancy style hormones when you are over 50.  
10 Jan 20 by member: jazzylittleone


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